Academic positions
2019-Present Professor of Economics, University of Orleans, Laboratoire d’Economie d'Orléans & IAE of Orleans (Promoted by the French National Council of Universities in 2023 (1ère Classe))
Main responsibilities
Vice-Dean Budget and strategy at the Law, Economics and Management Faculty
Deputy-Director of the Doctoral School ED 617 (SSTED)
President of the Association Revue économique
Associate Editor at Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat / Review of Entrepreneurship
Associate Editor at The Leadership Quarterly
2023-2026 RIPEC
2019-2022 PEDR (Ph.D. and research supervising bonus)
2015-2019 Maître de Conférences (eq. Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer) in economics, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne
2018-2019 and 2017-2018 CNRS Délégation (part-time secondement), Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne
2012-2015 Behavioral Research Associate, University of Virginia, Darden School of Business and Department of Economics
2010-2011ATER, Université Paris Nord
2009-2010 ATER, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon
2006-2009 Allocation de Recherche, French Ministry of Research, Université Lumière Lyon II
Research Fields and Topics
Fields Financial economics, Managerial economics, behavioral finance, experimental economics, law and economics.
Topics Managerial decision-making, leadership, cooperation, investment and corporate financing, entrepreneurship, economics-marketing interface.
Main scientific responsabilities
2022-Present: President (elected) of the Association of the Revue économique, member of the board of the journal
2017-Present: Member of the IRB Committee, J-PAL Europe and Paris School of Economics.
Editorial activities
2023 - Present: Associate Editor at Leadership Quarterly.
2024 - Present: Associate Editor at Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat / Review of Entrepreneurship.
2020 - 2023: Member of the Editorial Board at Leadership Quarterly.
2017 - Present: Member of the Editorial Review Board at the Journal of Business Research.
Co-editor with Richard Fairchild (University of Bath) of the European Journal of Finance Special Issue for the ECBA 2019.
Refereeing activity
Management Science, Economic Journal, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Sustainability, Leadership Quarterly, Revue Francaise de Gestion, Revue de l'entrepreneunariat, Production and Operations Management, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Journal of Business Research, Revue économique, Games, Review of Social Economy, Economic Inquiry, L'Actualité économique, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, Theory and Decision, Judgement and Decision-Making.
2018 «Qualification» to apply to Professor position in management (CNU 06)
2017 «Qualification» to apply to Professor position in economics (CNU 05)
2016 Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
2015 «Qualification» to apply to Associate Professor position in economics (CNU 05) and management (CNU 06)
2011 PhD in economics, Université Lumière Lyon II.
2011-2012 Postdoctoral Visiting Scholar, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, The Sol C. Snider Entrepreneurial Research Center
Spring 2008 and Fall 2008 Short-Term Scholar, Brown University, Economics Department
Since 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023: Market analysis, Bachelor, 3rd year
2019-2020, 2020-2021: Choice of investment and financing, Bachelor, 3rd year
2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023: Management of extra-financial performance, Master 2 Management control and organizational audit
2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2022-2023: Financial market and international finance, M1 Accounting, control and audit
2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023: Decisions and financial policy, M1 Management of information systems
At the Sorbonne
2017-2018, 2018-2019: Economic intelligence: Information strategy, bargaining, lobbying and globalization, M2 Gestion des Entreprises à l'international. Taught in English.
2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023: Behavioral finance, Master 2 Economics and Psychology, Master 2 Empirical Finance and Master 2 Financial Economics. Taught in English. Evaluation - In 2016: 8.33/10. In 2017: 98,84% «very good» and «excellent». Etc. Taught in English.
2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019: Applied microeconomics, Master 1 Economics and Psychology. Taught in English.
2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019: Winter School, Master 1 Economics and Psychology. Taught in English.
2015-2016: Tutorials, Introduction to Economics, Bachelor (1st year). Taught in French.
2015-2016: Tutorials, Microeconomics, Bachelor (1st year). Taught in French.
2015-2016: Tutorials, Applied microeconomics, Master 1. Taught in English.
Teaching prior 2015
Courses (taught in English): Experimental economics (Evaluations: 4.4/5 in 2013, 4.5/5 in 2014 and 4.5/5 in 2015) (University of Virginia), Case studies in organizational economics (INSA of Lyon), International Economics (INSA of Lyon).
Courses (taught in French): Industrial Organization (INSA of Lyon), Organizational economics (INSA of Lyon), Contemporary Economic Issues (Université Lumière Lyon 2, IUT Lumière).
Tutorials (taught in French): Mathematics for Economics (Université Lumière Lyon 2, UFR d’économie et de Gestion), Advanced Microeconomics (Université Paris 13 Nord), Introduction to Economic Analysis (Université Paris 13 Nord).
PhD supervision
2022-: Mehdi Louafi, University of Orleans. Doctoral contract from the Region Centre.
2021-: Khành Linh Pham, University of Orleans. Franco-Vietnamese Cooperation Scholarship.
2020-: Irving Argaez Corona, University Paris 1-Panthéon Sorbonne. Co-supervised with Jean-Christophe Vergnaud. Mexican government scholarship.
Defended in December 2024 (2021-2024): Indigo Jentry Jones, University of Orleans. Co-supervised with Alexis Direr and Sylvain Benoît.
Defended in July 2023 (2017-2023): Bin Wang. University Paris 1-Panthéon Sorbonne. People's Republic of China Government Scholarship.
Internal and External PhD thesis committee participation
2020-2024: Magdalena Soukupova, INSERM & ENS (Département d’Études Cognitives).
2018-2021: Max Lobeck, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne & Paris School of Economics. Now Post-doc at Konstanz University.
2018-2020: Ingy Helmy, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne & Paris School of Economics. Now economist at the World Bank.
PhD and HDR jury participation
2025: Referee: HDR Noémi Berlin, University Paris Nanterre.
2024: Referee: HDR Antoine Malézieux, University of Strasbourg | Referee: PhD Stefanie Baumgartner, Université Lumière Lyon 2 | President and external reviewer: PhD Hermann Ngameni Ngankam, CY Cergy Paris Université.
2023: Referee: PhD Maria Alejandra Erazo Diaz, Université Lumière Lyon 2 | Referee: PhD Hélène Korda, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
2022: Referee: PhD Marian Abdel Nour, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne & Paris School of Economics | Referee: PhD Yuaho Li, University of Bath, UK | President and external examiner: PhD Moustapha Aladji, University of French Guiana.
2021: External examiner: PhD Max Lobeck, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne & Paris School of Economics | Referee: PhD Josias Kpoviessi, University of Lille.
2020: Referee: PhD Esther Mbih, Polytechnique, CREST | President and external examiner: PhD Alice Solda, Université Lumière Lyon 2.
2019: Referee: PhD Matthieu Plonquet, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne | Referee: PhD Jose Benedicto Duhaylongsod, ESSEC Business School | President and referee: PhD Jan Sonntag, Sciences Po | Referee: PhD Mariko Shimizu, Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas.
At Orléans
Apprenticeships supervision: 2022-2023: 7 students; 2021-2022: 7 students; 2020-2021: 4 students; 2019-2020: 4 students.
Master theses: 2021-2022: 1 group; 2020-2021: 2 groups; 2019-2020: 3 groups.
At Paris 1
Master theses
2024-2025: M1 Economics and psychology - Baseline Hannebelle.
2023-2024: M1 Economics and psychology - Zelda David.
2021-2022: M2 Economics and psychology - Antoine Le Bot, Elisa Busson.
2021-2022: M2 Financial economics - Mehdi Louafi, Elina Ishmukhametova.
2020-2021: M2 Economics and psychology - Helen Marzec.
2019-2020: M2 Public policy - Kamila Kunakbaeva; M2 Economics and psychology - Lorenzo Naso, Nicole Von Wilczur; M1 Economics and psychology - Helen Marzec, Theresa Chapmann.
2018-2019 M2 Economics and Psychology - Beyza Aykurt, Anna Venzon, Isis Marques, Ruchika Hiranandani; M1 Economics and Psychology - Ivonne Duran; M2 GEAI - Carlos Asto Carbajal; M2 Monnaie-Banque-Finance - Alexandre Coutaud, Manon Verdaguer.
2017-2018: M2 Economics and Psychology - Nina Rapoport, co-supervised with Nicolas Jacquemet, Franziska Hellberg, Luise Rohland; M2 Monnaie-Banque-Finance - Julia Bertin, Pierre Jacquel; M2 Monnaie-Banque-Finance (Ecole de Management de la Sorbonne) - Guila Levy; M1 Economics and Psychology - Paul Grignon, Ameni Ezzine.
2016-2017 M2 Economics and Psychology - Karl Lundgren; M2 Financial economics - Bin Wang, co-encadrée avec Stéphane Gauthier; M1 Economics and Psychology - Nina Rapoport.
2015-2016 M2 Monnaie-Banque-Finance - Kevin Ratsimiveh, co-supervised with Jér^ome Glachant; M2 Economics and Psychology - Thomas Demathieu, Filly Pirroux, Rapha»el Greffet, Francois Boch, Bao Ngoc Nguyen; M1 Economie Théorique et Empirique - A»ida Diallo, Marie Gaudier; M1 Economics and Psychology - Karl Lundgren.
At the University of Virginia
Distinguished Major Program theses
2014-2015 - Samuel Brott, Gregory Weiss; 2013-2014 - Jiankun (Alex) Chen, Robert J. Donze.
Conferences and invited talks
2024 LFIN Seminar Louvain-la-neuve | AFFI (French Association of Finance) 2024, Lille | ASFEE (French Association of Experimental Economics) 2024, Grenoble | EALE (European Association of Law and Economics) 2024, Turin | Seminar University of Pisa | AFED (French Association of Law and Economics) 2024, Paris Assas | Seminar at University of Lausanne |SEF (Society of Experimental finance) 2014, Stavanger | Risk Forum 2024.
2023 Investor Emotions & Asset Pricing, IAE Lille | ESA World Meeting 2023, Lyon | AFSEE 2023, Montpellier | GRDE, Lille.
2022 AFSEE, Lyon; Cournot seminar, BETA University of Strasbourg | International Conference «Environmental economics: A focus on natural resources», University of Orléans | AFSEE 2022, University of Lyon | ECBA5, University of Bath, UK | Financial advice, Profiling and Portfolio Choice of Households Workshop, Institut Louis Bachelier, Paris | Investor Emotions & Asset Pricing, IAE Lille.
2021 ECBA4, LaRGE, University of Strasbourg | Economics seminar, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow | Behavioral Economics Seminar, University of Birmingham | Rencontres croisées Droit Economie, Orléans.
2020 ESA 2020 Global Around-the-Clock Virtual Conference | Environmental Economics: a Focus on Natural Resources, Orléans (Online).
2019 6th International Meeting in Law & Economics, EconomiX | ESA 2019, LESSAC Dijon Business School | CREM Seminar, University of Rennes | LEO Seminar, University of Orléans | LED Seminar, University Paris 8, Vincennes-Saint Denis | Behavioral Economics Forum, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
2018 EBCA 2018 University of Bath | PRISM Sorbonne, Séminaire Stratégie et économie d'entreprise, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne | Behavioral economics Work Group, EconomiX | European University Institute, Interdisciplinary Experimental Working Group, Florence | «Economie et Finance Expérimentale et Comportementale» Seminar | Seminar CE-EM, University of Montpellier | ASFEE Annual Conference, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis | Seminar GATE, University of Lyon | Seminar Anthropo-Lab, Catholic University of Lille.
2017 EBCA 2017, University of Strasbourg, November 2017 | Vienna Center for Experimental Economics, University of Vienna | Experimental Advances in Organizational Behavior, LESSAC Dijon Business School | Behavior Seminar, Paris School of Economics.
2016 ASFEE Annual Conference, ESSEC Business School | Business Economics & Strategy Seminars, Tel Aviv School of Management, Tel Aviv University | SIMA Seminar, Paris School of Economics and Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne | PsyCHIC (PSYchology, Consumer Heterogeneity, Information and Communication), MSH Paris Nord.
2015 INFORMS (sponsored session), Philadelphia | Behavioral Operations Conference, Young Scholars Workshop, Cornell | Paris School of Economics Retreat, Aussois | University College London, Management Science and Innovation Seminar | University of Arkansas, Walton School of Business, Department of Economics Seminar | Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, College du Management de la Technologie | IAE Toulouse School of Management, Toulouse 1 Capitole University Seminar | Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, CES Rising Talents Seminar | CRED Seminar, University Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas.
2014 University of Virginia Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy Brownbag | Paris School of Economics, Economics and Psychology Seminar | Behavioral Operations Conference, Young Scholars Workshop, University of Cologne | University of Virginia, Darden School of Business, Dana Clyman Seminars.
2013 University of Virginia Experimental Economics Seminar | European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, University Paris Nord.
2012 14th World Congress of Social Economics, University of Glasgow | Sol C. Snider Entrepreneurial Research Center, Wharton School.
2011 University of Virginia Experimental Economics Seminar | Sol C. Snider Entrepreneurial Research Center, Wharton School | Economics and Psychology Seminar, Paris School of Economics | National Institute for Applied Sciences, Lyon | MSH Paris Nord | University of Granada V Alhambra Experimental Workshop.
2010 European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, University of Bordeaux.
2009 University of Hertfordshire Business School, Internal Seminar; Institute of Human Sciences Internal Seminar, Lyon | European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, Amsterdam School of Economics | European Network on the Economics of the Firm, University Paris Nord | The Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, Science Po Paris | European Meeting on Applied Evolutionary Economics, Max Planck Institute, Jena.
2008 University of Hertfordshire Business School, Internal Seminar | Institute of Human Sciences Internal Seminar, Lyon | INEM UNED Madrid | Brown University, Economics Department lunch seminar.
2007 CNRS Thematic School, CNRS Doctoriales Economics and sociology, Institut des Sciences de l'Homme Workshop «Analyzes and Transformations of the Firm: Economics, Management and Law» | University of Hertfordshire Business School, Internal Seminar.
2006 University of Hertfordshire Business School, Internal Seminar | Institute of Human Sciences Internal Seminar, Lyon.
Research conventions, contracts, grants and distinctions
ANR AESOP Avancées sur les préférences éthiques et sociales. PI: Fabrice LE LEC, 3 sites: Lille (F. Le Lec), Rennes (O. L'Haridon) et Orléans (B. Boulu-Reshef). 2024-2028, (414000 euros).
APR-IA ACCEPTALGO Université d'Orléans (114,000 euro), PI. Teams of 8 researchers.
PREF Research Initiative (Initiative de Recherche), with Yomoni and the Louis Bachelier Institute (180,000 euros), Director Alexis Direr, Member of the Executive and Scientific Committee with Sylvain Benoit and Jérémy Dudek.
Grant of MSH Val de Loire 2021 (5000 euros), Member.
Grant of the CEPREMAP 2019 (5000 euros), Co-PI with Maya Bacache
CES Projets AAP 2019 (1400 euros), PI: Catherine Bruneau, Member with Thomas Renault, Jorgen-Vitting Andersen
CES Projets AAP 2019 (2000 euros), with Bin Wang and Antoine Mandel
CES Projets AAP 2019 (2000 euros), with Vincent de Gardelle and Pierre Jacquel
Research grant ANR-17-EURE-001 (1600 euros), with Graciela Kuechle
Research grant LABEX OSE 2018/23 (1000 euros), with Bin Wang
CES Projets AAP 2018 (2500 euros), with Bin Wang and Antoine Mandel
Politiques scientifiques 2018-2020 (10000 euros) PI: Constance Monnier-Schlumberger, member, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Convention de recherche (2300 euros) (co-PI), Institut de Droit de la Concurrence, with Constance Monnier-Schlumberger
Best Paper Award at 2016 GIKA Annual Conference, with Irene Comeig, Robert Donze and Gregory Weiss
Politiques scientifiques (10000 euros) (Co-PI), Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, with Nicolas Jacquemet and Fabrice Le Lec
Convention de partenariat de recherche (16,200 euros) (PI), Département des Prospectives et Statistiques, Minist`ere de la Culture et de la Communication, with Nicolas Jacquemet
Batten Research Grant Program 2015 ($8,000), with Charles Corbett, Phil Pfeifer and Anton Ovchinnikov
Batten Research Grant Program 2014 ($10,000), with Charles Corbett, Phil Pfeifer and Anton Ovchinnikov
New Horizons Travel Grant 2014 ($750), 2014
AHSS Research Support Spring 2014 ($5,000), with Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl, 2014-2015
Quantitative Collaborative Seed Grant ($6,333), with Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl, 2013-2014
Darden Research Funding Support 2013-2014 and 2014-2015
Finalist of the William Waters Grant 2012 of the Association for Social Economics, Pre-Selected to Attend the Association for Social Economics Summer School 2012
Batten Fellow 2012 ($7,500), Batten Institute, University of Virginia Darden School of Business
Explora Pro Post-Doctoral Grant, Rhône-Alpes Region Research Commission 2010
Short-listed for the «Herbert Simon Young Scholar Prize», EAEPE 2009
Visiting Scholar Award (2008), Brown University 2008
Explora Doc Grant, Rhône-Alpes Region Research Commission 2006
Aires culturelles Grant, French Ministry of Scientific Research 2006
M.A. Merit Grant, French Ministry of Scientific Research 2005
Economics Honours program as an Erasmus student, University of Glasgow, 2005
Explora Sup Grant, Rhône-Alpes Region Research Commission 2004
Erasmus Grant, European Commission 2004
Scientific events organization
2021 and 2022: Co-organizer of the Law and Economics meetings of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Management, Orléans.
2019: Organizer of the ECBA Workshop (Entrepreneurship: Cognitive and Behavioral Approaches), Maison des Sciences Economiques, Centre déconomie de la Sorbonne.
2015: Organizer for the invited «`Relevance' session: Economics and BIOM» in the Behavior in OM track for the POMS Annual Conference.
Scientific expertise activities and service
Other scientific expertise responsibilities
2020-Present: Member of the Scientific expert committee of the MSHE Ledoux, UAR3124 CNRS/UBFC-UFC
2020: Reviewer for the Polish National Science Foundation.
2019-Present: Ethics expert for the ERC Project Met Action (PI: Nathan Faivre, University Grenobles Alpes, CNRS).
2018, 2019: Referee for the Prix de l'université du Conseil départemental du Val de Marne and the GIS Asie.
2018: Member of the Advisory Board for the LISER-LAB research project for the Fonds National de la Recherche du Luxembourg.
At Orléans
2021-Present: Co-director of the Double Bachelor Law & Economics and Management.
2020-2021: In charge of the team that led to the creation of the Double Bachelor Law & Economics and Management.
2019 - Present: Member of the research center Committee of the Laboratoire déconomie d'Orléans.
2019 - Present: Member of the IAE Directoire.
At the Sorbonne
2017-2019: Elected member of the Committee of the Sorbonne School of Economics (UFR 02, formerly the Sorbonne Department of Economics).
2017-2019: Director of the M1 Economics and Psychology.
2015-2019: Supervision of research projects in the Winter camp, Master Economics and Psychology.
2015-2019: Placement advisor, Master Economics and Psychology.
Moderator of the Panel «Nudge et société : Que peut-on apprendre sur les comportements grâce à l'économie?», Centre d’économie de la Sorbonne.
2018: Speaker for the Conference «Qu’est-ce que l'économie expérimentale?», Please Days «Avec l'économie, décidons autrement!», Centre d’économie de la Sorbonne.
2020-Present: Co-organizer with Liza Charroing of the Work Group Behavior, joint Centre déconomie de la Sorbonne and Paris Jourdan Sciences Economiques.
2015-2020: Organizer of the Work Group Behavior, joint Centre d’économie de la Sorbonne and Paris Jourdan Sciences Economiques.
2016-Present: Member of the collaborative project «Behavioral Approaches to Strategic and Social Interactions» at the Paris School of Economics.
At the University of Virginia
Moderator of the «Careers in entrepreneurship» Panel organized by the Economics Career Office.
Gave seven talks on behavioral research methodology at the Darden School and at the Law School.
Actively involved in organizing BRAD Lab (Behavioral Research at Darden Lab) scientific life.
Hiring committees
- Vice-President, Chaire Professor Junior position (Professor position with tenure track), Université d'Orléans
- Vice-President, Associate Professor position, Université d'Orléans
- External member, Associate professor position, Université de Lille
- President, Professor position, Université d'Orléans
- President, Associate Professor position, Université d'Orléans
- External member, Associate professor position, Université Paris 1
- External member, Professor position, Université de Guyane
- External member, Professor position, Université de Tours
- External member, Chaire Professor Junior position (Professor position with tenure track), Université Paris 1
- External member, Associate professor position Université Paris 8
- Internal member, Associate professor position, Université d'Orléans
- Vice-President, Associate professor position, Université d'Orléans
- Internal member, Associate professor position, Université d'Orléans
- President, Professor position, Université de Guyane
- External member, Associate professor position, Université Paris Descartes
- External member, Professor position, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
- External member, Associate professor position, Université Paris Descartes
- External member, Associate professor position, Université Paris-Sorbonne