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Béatrice Boulu-Reshef (CV en français)
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Béatrice Boulu-Reshef

I am a Professor of Economics at the University of Orléans where I am a member of the LEO


My research and teaching fall primarily within the area of financial economics, managerial economics, behavioral economics, experimental economics, behavioral finance and law and economics. My research revolves around the theme of decision-making in organizational and market settings. In particular, I study financing decisions, managerial decision-making and resource allocation behavior. My work is in great part related to management sciences. I use both framed-field and laboratory experiments and I also collect data in organizations and firms. 


Current grants

ANR AESOP Advances in ethical and social preferences. PI: Fabrice Le Lec, 3 sites: Lille (F. Le Lec), Rennes (O. L'Haridon) et Orléans (B. Boulu-Reshef). 2024-2028, (414000 euros).


APR-IA ACCEPTALGO Université d'Orléans (114,000 euro), PI. Teams of 8 researchers.


I serve as an Associate Editor at Leadership Quarterly and at Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat / Review of Entrepreneurship.

I am President of the Association Revue économique.

We are proud to announce that as of January 2024, the Revue is open access. https://www.inshs.cnrs.fr/fr/la-revue-economique-opte-pour-une-diffusion-modele-diamant.

I am the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Management

I am the Deputy Director of the Doctoral School ED 617 - Sciences de la Société: Territoires, Economie, Droit (SSTED).  

I co-supervise the Double Bachelor Law & Economics and Management together with a colleague in Law.

Personal webpage Institutional webpage

SSRN Page | IDEAS Page | Google Scholar Page  | Hal 

Email: beatrice.boulu-reshef @ univ-orleans.fr

Cell: +33 (0)6 89 84 77 70


Laboratoire d’Économie d’Orléans 

Faculté de Droit d’Économie et de Gestion
Rue de Blois - BP 26739
45067 Orléans Cedex 2
Tel: +33 (0)2 38 41 70 37
Fax : +33 (0)2 38 41 73 80

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